Chiropractic Resumes

When you think about creating your chiropractic rèsumè, your first thought might be of your future job search. However, you can derive a good deal of benefit from starting your rèsumè much sooner. Building your rèsumè while still in chiropractic school can be helpful toward acquiring internships, scholarships, or even business loans for your future practice.

Nevertheless, preparing a rèsumè is often considered one of the more challenging aspects of the job search. Even if you have the most solid credentials and experience, you may be overwhelmed by the prospect of putting it all together in a compelling and presentable manner. Many people are also uncomfortable with the idea of “bragging” about themselves. You should remember, however, that your rèsumè plays a crucial role in getting your foot in the door of any professional endeavor. If you have any doubts about how it should look, there are lots of books with rèsumè examples available at your library.

Confusion on the “do’s” and “don’ts” is often at the root of rèsumè anxiety. For example, you may be familiar with the prevailing notion that your rèsumè needs to be restricted to a single page. According to, however, this is not necessarily true. Although there is no reason to needlessly extend your rèsumè, you should likewise avoid trying to cram too much information into a single page. The main goal should be to use as much space as your experience warrants. You should, however, include the most pertinent information (chiropractic jobs and education) on the first page. You can save the second page for jobs, internships or other experiences not related to chiropractic medicine.

It is useful to include all of your recent work experience, even positions that might not seem relevant. Your employment history provides a snapshot of your unique dimensions as a student, employee, and person. It also establishes your ability to work hard in a variety of settings, not just your chosen field.

You should always include a cover letter with your rèsumè, even if you are seeking something other than a job (such as a business loan or scholarship). This is an opportunity to introduce your rèsumè, and to place your experience in context. advises beginning your letter by explaining why you are writing (seeking advertised position, etc.), then describing how your skills and background make you suited to the job. The cover letter should also address any of your personal strengths that may fit the job (such as compassion, friendliness, or an aptitude for working with geriatric patients) but aren”t appropriate for inclusion on your rèsumè.

You should conclude the letter with a concise, professional statement of your interest in the particular opportunity. Be sure to include your contact information on both the cover letter and rèsumè.