Law Enforcement Reporting and Recording

Another course students may take in criminal justice schools or programs is Law Enforcement Reporting and Recording. In order to enforce laws ethically and to provide stable and safe communities, people interested in working in the field of criminal justice must understand the issues surrounding law enforcement reporting and recording.

  • A course that examines and explains various policies and procedures may explore issues such as the importance of reporting and recording, the legal impact of reporting and recording, and the sociological impact on a community of reporting and recording. Law enforcement officers follow certain protocols regarding the reporting and recording of crimes, complaints, worries, or tips.

As an issue moves through the criminal justice system, it must be handled in a particular way, or, in fairness to all involved, it may have to be dropped from consideration. For example, a law enforcement agent must follow a certain protocol when arresting an alleged criminal offender. If the agent does not follow the standard procedures for reporting and recording, the alleged criminal offender could be set free based on technical mistakes made by the agent. In order to help the entire criminal justice system run smoothly and fairly, students must understand and appreciate the importance of law enforcement reporting and recording.