Preparing for the Job Search

After you graduate from beauty school and receive the necessary state licenses, it’s time to seek your first position in the cosmetology industry. Job hunting can be a stressful process, but taking the time to properly prepare for the experience can make the task a bit easier.

In the cosmetology profession, you will often be asked to submit a resume along with an application that is specific to the available job. Your resume should provide a clear summary of your qualifications as they relate to the position you are seeking. As a new beauty school graduate, your education should be the first section. Once you have a few years of work experience, you will want to revise your resume so your previous employment is in the top section. However, even when you are an experienced professional, your resume should never be more than one page in length.

References are people who can vouch for your character and your skills as a cosmetologist. As a new beauty school graduate, you will likely want to use your instructors as well as supervisors from any part-time jobs you may have had in the past. Always ask for permission before listing someone as a reference; you do not want to have them caught off guard if they are asked about your background.

During a job interview, remember that you are being judged on your appearance and professional demeanor. Dress as if you already worked at the salon and take care to speak in a businesslike tone when answering questions. The manager wants to be confident that you will fit in well with the other cosmetologists if you are offered the position.